OAH Core Components

OAH Shell

oah-shell is the command line utility which install the ove and ove vm/cluster nodes on a machine,vm or cluster

you can find the sub project here


The Default Environment for OAH.

OAH Core Roles

core base oah roles:


OAH Extensions


An OAH VM is a git repository that can provision a specific OAH vm

Please find the list of available ove vms here and their current stats on the OAH-stat page.

OAH Clusters

An OAH cluster is a git repository that can provision a cluster of vms

Please find the list of available oah clusters here and their current stats on the ove-stat page.

OAH Ansible Roles

These are the basic building blocks for OAH Environment.

custom roles :


OAH SDK and Infra

OAH Tools

This are the list of tools that are used to build and validate OAH VMs and Clusters


oah-env-stats is has the nightly stats of the oah environment that have been regressed in the oah test infra

using an oah-test-vm

OAH Installer

Used to make an OAH release and install OAH.