
Must be a GIT repo accesible to oah-shell

Must be a valid Ansible Role

Naming Convention :

Must follow the naming convention of ansible-role-oah-XXXX where XXXX is the oah community accepted name that clearly mentions the purpose of the roles.

Must Have files :

Each oah ansible role must have the following Task files in the tasks folder of the ansible role

  • main.yml
  • oah-install.yml
  • oah-remove.yml
  • oah-reset.yml
  • oah-update.yml
  • oah-validate.yml

OAH task yml files should have tasks to safely install, update, reset , validate or remove the all changes done by the role.

Each OAH role will have a in-built Task to validate (and determine) if the role has been successfully installed.

EACH OAH Roles must follow the best practices as mentioned(

OAH Ansible Role Variables

All OAH Ansible Variables will begin with a oah_

oah_command : Is used to determine the operation mode of a role.

oah_command param can have the following values => install , remove , reset , update and validate )

oah_command will default to update , it can have values install,remove, reset, update and validate. (i.e If OAH_COMMAND env variable is not set by the oah-scripts and if the environment playbooks are not set by the oah_command variable, main.yml will include oah_update.yml or oah_install.yml if the role has not be installed yet.)